The Minnesota 3-Gun Group salutes Adam Maxwell, Jason Leigh, Reuben Aleckson, Ron and Dawn Westberg, Ryan Muckenhirn, and all the good folks who put on this great match for a great cause.   A big thank you to all the match sponsors for the generous and impressive prize table.

The scores are done and posted.  The shoot-off results are also posted.  There were some missing score sheets and if they turn up, the scores will be adjusted accordingly.  There were some folks who did not list a division and were automatically placed on Tactical Optics.  And I was the only one person shooting Heavy Metal so I was automatically moved into Tactical Limited.

Special Congratulations to:

  • Ken Anderson – Tactical-Optic Division Champion & Combined Overall Champion
  • Shane Zeppelin – Tactical-Limited Division Champion
  • John Cedarberg – Open Division Champion
  • Lucas Webster – Shoot-Off Champion


