The idea of being DQ’d is one that, well, sucks. It sucks for the shooter and it sucks for the RO and Range Master. Just remember that there are 2 kinds of competition shooters, those who have been DQ’d and those who will be DQ’d. So when you find yourself on the end of a match DQ you are not the only one that has lived it. Hold your head up, suck it up, learn from it and move on.

What will earn you a match DQ at one of our matches? A major safety infraction will end you day of shooting.

What will earn you a Stage DQ? Stage DQ’s are those infractions that are more specific to 3 gun and the transition between the firearms.

We see match and stage DQ’s at almost every match. The main thing that gets shooters is breaking the 180. Sweeping the competitors own body and hand also account for many DQ’s and we have a few AD’s along with dropped firearms.

Stage DQ’s have been mitigated for the most part with the new implementation of abandoning rules. A note on that is to make sure you know your safety on your firearm well.

We follow most USPSA rules when match DQ’s are in question. Below is a listing of our rules with the subsections moved up to make it an easy read.

The Range Master or Match Director will have the final decision on disqualifications.



2. Disqualifications

2.1 Match Disqualification will result in complete disqualification from the match. Competitor will not be allowed to continue with the match. Competitor will not be eligible for prizes (if any), a refund of entry fee, nor a free entry into next match. The final decision will rest with the Range Master or Match Director.

2.1.1 A Match Disqualification shall be issued for Negligent Discharge which is defined as: The discharge of a firearm in an unsafe manner or unintentionally in which a projectile (bullet) strikes the ground within 3 feet of the competitor or range officer, or outside the confines of the backstop/implied 180-degree Safety Plane. The discharge of a firearm during the load and make ready process, unloading process, pre-loading process. The discharge of a firearm while reloading, moving, or transitioning during the course of fire while clearly not aiming in at a target.

2.1.2 A Match Disqualification shall be issued for unsafe firearm-handling which includes, but is not limited to handling a firearm while people are downrange, handling a firearm on a stage without permission of the range officer, or handling a firearm outside of a designated safety area or pre-loading area.

2.1.3 A Match Disqualification shall be issued for dropping a loaded firearm (see Rule 5.6).

2.1.4 A Match Disqualification shall be issued for allowing the muzzle of a firearm to break the implied 180-degree Safety Plane (except while holstered and safe).

2.1.5 A Match Disqualification shall be issued for unsportsmanlike conduct which includes, but is not limited to cheating, altering targets, altering or falsifying score sheets, or changing firearms configurations to gain an advantage (see Rule 5.5).

2.1.6 A Match Disqualification shall be issued for using forbidden ammunition (see Rule 4.1).

2.2 Stage Disqualification will result in a zero score for that stage, but the competitor will be allowed to continue the match and be eligible for prizes (if any). The final decision will rest with the Range Master or Match Director.

2.2.1 A Stage Disqualification will be issued for dropping an unloaded firearm.

2.2.2 A Stage Disqualification will be issued for abandoning an “unsafe” firearm in a safety barrel or box (see Rule 1.4.3 and Rule 1.5.4) “Abandoning” is defined as the physical separation of a competitor from the firearm of more than 3 feet of distance. If an “unsafe” firearm is placed on a safety box but remains within 3 feet of the competitor and the competitor does not proceed downrange from the safety box, the competitor shall be issued a procedural penalty.

2.2.3 A Stage Disqualification will be issued for hitting a designated non-rifle or non-slug steel target with rifle or slug ammunition (see Rule 4.2).

2.3 All disqualification will be issued by the Range Master or Match Director.