The 3 gun scheduled for May 6 will be at Minnetonka Game and Fish.  As will past matches, 100 rounds of handgun, pistol and shotgun should serve you well.  The going advice is to bring double in case of reshoots.  No steel core ammunition,  if you punch a hole in our steel you will be buying it and taking it home with you.  7 1/2 or 8 shot birdshot for you shotguns and 10 slugs.

Set up begins at 0730.  Shooters meeting at 0930 and shots down range promptly at 1000 hrs.   

Additional COLD RANGE rules have been added.  Please read them. 

The shirts will be ready for pick up at the match so bring your money if you have not prepaid.

We are addressing the issues with the length of time that it took to make it through the last match and will be focused on designing this one to move a bit more smoothly.   There will be 5 stages for this match.  The Ammo count will not change much.

 See you all there,
