Match Format Changes
We are keeping our match dates, but we are going to be changing the format of some of these matches. This is to spread out the style of our matches to more meet the demands of our participants.
We also recognize that our matches run long, so we are going to try this format to reduce the overall impact of our matches on people’s schedules. The shotgun only match is an idea we had to add a bit of variety, and to also assist the shooters who would be taking place in the shotgun qualifier the next weekend at FLSC. Because the shotgun only match will move quickly, we are planning on doing at least 6 stages that day.
All Matches are on a Saturday:
  • March 15th at FLSC – 2 gun (rifle & pistol) match
  • April 12th at MGFC – 3 gun match
  • May 10th at SCAPSA – 2 gun match
  • June 14th at FLSC – 3 gun match
  • No match in July
  • August 9th at MGFC – Shotgun only (Divisions will be Open, Tactical, and Good Ol’ Pumper)
  • September 6th at FLSC – Falling Steel Match (Pistol or PCC, based off of USPSA rules)
  • October 11th at SCAPSA – 3 gun match
  • November 1st at FLSC – 2 gun Match
Division Rule Changes
We are going to change some of our division rules this year for several reasons. We are really looking for our divisions to meet the needs of the group of people that shoot our matches. We are also trying to adapt our rules to where this sport and the market are driving it.
In a nutshell here are some of the big division changes:
  • Tac Optic, Tac Limited, Heavy:
    • All will allow a RDS mounted on the pistol slide between the rear of the slide and the ejection port.
    • All will allow an RDS mounted to the shotgun.
  • Heavy Optic and Heavy limited:
    • Will be combined together to make Heavy division, with the rule set of Heavy Optic.
  • Tactical 2-gun and 2 gun lite:
    • Will be combined. This division will keep the magazine restriction of 30 rounds with the rifle, but the plate carrier will no longer be required. They can clearly still be worn if people want to practice tac games or such.
    • This change also allows people in the two gun divisions to easily transition to 3 gun with their current gear plus a shotgun.
MN3GG League Changes
The league will be based off of the 6 matches (three 3-Gun matches and three 2-Gun matches).
  • The 3-Gun divisions (Open, Modified, Tac-Op, Tac-Lim, and Heavy) will stay the same in the 2-Gun matches as each divisions has their own unique rifle equipment requirement.
    • i.e. Modified Optic allows only 1 optic (unlike Open) and allows the use of a bi-pod (unlike Tac-Op)
  • The 2-Gun Division will also be the same in the 3-Gun matches minus the engagement of specific shotgun-only target.
  • Shooters must have a minimum of 4 scores in 1 division to qualify for the league.
  • Best 4 scores used to determine standings.
  • Trophies will be handed out in accordance to the League Rules.

Let us know if you have questions or input. Thanks!

Alex Cady                         alex.cady@gmail.com
Trevor Armbruster     trevarm556@gmail.com