Our website has been updated with the 2024 Match Schedule and updated Match Rules.  The matches are also all listed in Practiscore now.

The updated rules now include the Tactical 2-Gun Division:

  • Tactical 2-Gun Division is now an official division and is included in the Points Series. This division is similar to the Tactical Games, and the firearm requirements will follow Modified Optic for the most part with a change in a secondary red-dot being allowed on the rifle in 2-Gun and the rifle mag being limited to the original 30-round box design. A plate carrier, load bearing gear, tactical vest, etc weighing a minimum of 12 pounds dry will also be required.
  • There will also be a 2-Gun Lite Division that will not be official and not included in the Points Series. This division is meant for the new shooters.  We all know how the shotgun game is the most common impediment for new shooters to try our sport.  This will allow new shooters to dabble in the 2-gun game without interfering with the scores of the Tactical 2-Gun Pints Series.

The general contact for matches has also changed.  I will be staying on in the administrative side of MN3GG, but the general Match Directors and Range Masters will be:

We’re looking forward to shooting with you all again soon.
